Tim Tebow, quarterback for the University of Florida Gators and Heisman trophy winner is known to be an outspoken Christian. During the Superbowl, he and his mother will be in a commercial sponsored by Focus on the Family on the theme "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life."
The commercial will detail his mother's personal story about how she refused to terminate her pregnancy with Tim even after a doctor advised her to.
The commercial is obviously controversial, and people are questioning whether Tebow should be making such a statement right before the NFL draft.
I have grown up in a strong Christian family and grown to love Focus on the Family and its efforts. When I was kid I would love to listen to the Adventures in Odyssey radio airings and have always found Dr. Dobson's advice to be very well grounded in the Bible and helpful to my daily life as a Christian.
So naturally I applaud Tebow for using his position in the public eye as a way to promote the Christian faith and our belief in the sanctity of life. And on a more sentimental note, I personally believe God is smiling down on him from above. It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in, especially on such a hot button issue as abortion. Just by looking at all the media attention this commercial has received before it is even aired is evidence that he is being criticized.
However, forming an opinion on this topic was not that easy for me. I realized I had to be honest with myself. Because at the same time, if a football player aired a commercial as a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood or something similar that provided abortion as an option, I knew I would be upset. I would be against him airing the commercial and wish he could not use his fame in such a manner.
I believe this matter has to do more with freedom of speech than who is right and who is wrong on the abortion issue. Tebow has his right to freedom of speech, and so does everyone else. It would be extremely hypocritical of me to shout "GO TEBOW!" then turn around and say someone should not be allowed to come out with a commercial saying the opposite. And furthermore, Tebow's critics have the freedom of speech to give their opinion as well.
Ironically enough, my opinion is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
But in conclusion, my opinion is: You go Tim Tebow.
And that's my two cents.
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