Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's election season at UVA, and we have all been inundated with flyers to vote this person to Student Council or this person to Honor Committee, and I think Clemons Library has become less of a place to study and more of a place for people to campaign.

But it is exciting to see people involved in the political process, and it has got me thinking about how special the right to vote is, and we should never take it for granted.

Our right to vote has really gone underappreciated in America to the point that we do not even care to go out and vote - even when the elections are easy and convenient.

With the UVA elections, you can vote anytime online between this past Monday and Sunday night - it only takes a few minutes, and the opportunity to give your opinion is right at your fingertips.

So why do the candidates still have to beg and plead us to vote? I have gotten innumerable emails from listerserves asking again and again for us to vote, and it seems that we view voting as a chore instead of a hard earned right.

I think about all the people who fought wars in the name of suffrage and the women in America who risked everything just to be able to go to the polls, and I wonder if they are saddened by our lack of enthusiasm for something they dedicated their lives to, especially when part of the reason they worked so hard for suffrage was to provide it to future generations - aka US.

So go out and VOTE!

And that's my two cents.

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