Friday, March 5, 2010

Eyes Up

This week was incredibly busy for me and probably one of the busiest weeks of my life (ok - busiest week of my life so far - I'm not that old and that was kind of a dramatic statement). I had midterms, big sis/little sis week in my sorority and initiation, and was preparing for my missions trip to Spain. Everything seemed to be happening all at once this week that I could barely catch a breath!

On Monday, I was excited to go to Monday Night Live at Chi Alpha just to find peace and rest in God and focus on Him. I realized how easily I let the little distractions of the day get me off focus from what is really important: God. And even more so, God's love and comfort is the perfect stress reliever, so it's completely silly of me to NOT focus on Him when I'm busy!

Even when I was at MNL my mind kept going - the homework I needed to finish when I got back to my dorm, when was I going to find time to pack, and how was I going to balance studying with being at my sorority house every night. I worried about all of this instead of just giving it to God - this week could have been a lot less stressful if I had given God the reins.

And yet, even when I didn't turn to God, he still showed me His grace this week - like in me miraculously doing well on a really hard quiz that I hadn't studied for, and finding every single last minute, random thing I needed for Spain in only one CVS run! My friends were all there for me - running me notebooks/formula sheets that I had forgotten, picking up my luggage, and in general just being understanding and supportive of the crazy schedule I had this week. I learned that I can't do it all, and sometimes being Superwoman is overated. As the Beatles song goes, I get by with a little help from my friends. God showed me that He is a source of relaxation in so many ways this week, even when I didn't deserve it.

This week made me realize that I need to do a better job of keeping my focus on God, keeping my "eyes up" to Him and let His love rain down on me.

So here's to keeping eyes up!

And that's my two cents.

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